VIP Class Notes (Li)[S]


Finish the homework from last class.


I think/In my opinion/I (personally) believe/I feel/I agree/I disagree   

First/firstly/First of all/One of the reason

Secondly/Next/Following on/In addition

Lastly/Thirdly/Finally/In conclusion/To conclude/In summary

Words that you use at different parts of the paragraph

To add on to a point: Additionally/In addition/Furthermore/Likewise/Besides

To show two opposing points: In contrast/On the other hand/However/Nevertheless

Conclude the point: Therefore/Thus/In summary/To sum up/As a result/As such

convenience is the most important factor/reason

genuine: real

eg. Is that a genuine leather handbag?

eg. We don’t like that restaurant because the reviews are not genuine and the food tastes bad.

doctored/photoshopped: photos that have been edited to look better

eg. Nowadays many people like to upload photos that have been photoshopped.

eg. Do you think doctored photos look better?

second thought about sth: to hesitate making a decision

eg. She has second thoughts about getting married before the wedding day.

eg. I have second thoughts about eating something for lunch.

afford sth: lack the money to buy sth


could – possibility/ability to do something

eg. I wish I could travel the world.

eg. He could have taken a taxi to the station.

there is/are – singular/plural

s/no s – should agree with the subject

Speaking exercise

Most of them are real. I think it’s simple to judge if the review is real or fake. If some reviews is fake, it could be long and with very beautiful photos. However, when the review is real, it could be very simple and with simple words to describe his thoughts about this restaurant. It’s common especially in some type of restaurants, like hotpot. There is some fake review in this type of store and some chain store.

In my daily life, I just hang around here. I didn’t use Dian Ping so much, I just go around and there’s some restaurant here and if I hesitate, I will check DP. I will follow some bloggers about some food and restaurants and their recommendation I will choose.

I prefer the cheaper one because I don’t have much so much money as a student. I can get up earlier to go to the school. In addition/Besides, I can take a walk as a sport and it’s far away from school maybe it can have some different experience from school. The money I saved I can use to something else. In summary, I will choose the cheaper one.


Most of them are real. I think it’s simple/easy to judge if the review is real or fake/genuine. If some reviews are fake, it can be long/very wordy and includes doctored/photoshopped photos. However, when the review is real, the writing could be very simple/straightforward as it only offers some basic thoughts about the restaurant. It’s common especially in some type of restaurants, like hotpot restaurants. There are some fake reviews in this type of stores and some chain stores. 

In my daily/everyday life/Usually, I just hang around here. I don’t use Dian Ping so much, I just go around and there’s some restaurant nearby and if I hesitate/second thoughts about a place, I will check on DP. I will follow some food and restaurant bloggers I will choose based on their recommendation.

I prefer the cheaper one/option because I don’t have much so much money/I cannot really afford it as a student. I can get up earlier to go to school. In addition/Besides, I can take a walk as an exercise and since it’s far away from school so I could have some different experiences from school. The money I saved I can spend on other things/something else. In summary, I will choose the cheaper one.

Start by expressing your thoughts: In my opinion/I think/I feel  or get straight to the point

Point -> Example-> Detail (can include your personal example)