VIP Class Notes (Lily)[S/R]


facial= fay xiu

express= ex BRESS , aspect= as BECT ** sp is sb sound!!!!**

language= lan guage   no LANG

verbal= ver bou

walk= w ok  ( salt , malties )

appropriate = aPRO pree yet

discomfort= des COM fert

smile= smai yo.    smell


1 aspects= ways, perspectives

ex: People have different aspects regarding abortion.

2. comfort= say nice things to you when you are sad

ex: I broke up with my boyfriend and Zoe comforted me.

3. diSAStrous= very bad

ex: disastrous consequences

4. adapt= cope 适应

ex: It’s hard for people to adapt to a new environment, many people refuse to change.


When we communicate with others, we express our thoughts and feelings not only through the words we choose, but also through our tone of voice, facial expression and body language. In fact, many communications experts believe that far more information is communicated non-verbally (without words) than verbally (with words). “Body language” is an important part of non-verbal communication.

Body language includes many different aspects of our every day physical behaviour: the way we greet one another; how we stand, how we sit or walk; the way we position our arms and legs or use our hands and eyes are some of the most basic.

Sometimes, cultural differences in appropriate body language can cause discomfort or misunderstandings too. For example, there are definite cultural differences in how much distance should be kept between two people who are speaking together. If you are used to people keeping their distance, you will feel very uncomfortable, and probably move away repeatedly, if someone keeps trying to stand closer to you at a party!  We call this the “personal comfort zone”.

Another common example of misunderstanding is the use of a smile. In some Asian cultures, a smile can show embarrassment or apology. However, smiling back at a teacher who is unhappy with you, or a stranger whose foot you accidentally stepped upon is probably not a good idea in most English speaking cultures! Also, you should not assume that nodding your head means “yes” or that shaking your head means “no” or vice versa.  Yes, you can even get that wrong, with potentially disastrous consequences.

Even speakers of the same language, such as British, American, or Australian people, may not use the same body language and must adapt if they wish to communicate successfully.  British people are said to be more reserved and formal, in general, and this is reflected in their body language.  Americans are considered more open and outgoing, while Australians are seen as casual and relaxed.

Speaking exercise

One of my friend messaged me this morning, she said if she can come to stay with me for one week. Two days ago she asked me if I still have cats in my house, I told her yes, and she said if I don’t have the cat, she wants to stay with her for one week. Her company gave her training for one week, but didn’t offer her apartment, so she needs to find somewhere to live for one week. So I told her I have my cats al the time, there is no way that I can take them out for you for one week. So she said never mind. Her company is in SuZhou, so they offered the train tickets everytime. She doesn’t want to go back to Suzhou and come back to Shanghai. She told me from tonight to this Friday. She just told me this morning.

I remembered two weeks ago, she asked me to buy YSL foundation, and she told me this color is not easy to buy.I didn’t go to the shopping mall for two weeks. Last year, she travelled to Japan to buy some stuff and sell to other people. So I asked her to buy me pressed powder, at the beginning she told me it was 280 rmb, so I trusted her and transferred the money to her. After two hours, she said she did mistake on currency.


One of my friend messaged me this morning, she asked if she could come to stay with me for one week. Two days ago she asked me if I still have cats in my house, I told her yes, and she said if I don’t have the cats, she wants to stay with me for one week. Her company gave her training for one week, but didn’t offer her an apartment, so she needs to find somewhere to live for one week. So I told her I have my cats all the time, there is no way to get rid of them out for you for one week. So she said never mind. Her company is in SuZhou, so they reimbursed the train tickets everytime. She doesn’t want to go back to Suzhou and come back to Shanghai. She told me she will stay from tonight to this Friday. She just told me this morning.

I remembered two weeks ago, she asked me to buy a YSL foundation, and the color she told me wasn’t easy to buy.I didn’t go to the shopping mall for two weeks. Last year, she travelled to Japan to buy some stuff and sell to other people. So I asked her to buy me pressed powder, at the beginning she told me it was 280 rmb, so I trusted her and transferred the money to her. After two hours, she said she did a mistake on currency.