VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S/W]


expensive= X ben siv

always= all ways


1.hassle = 麻烦 æ…扰
ex: it’s too much hassle to travel back and forth.
ex: It’s a big hassle to have a baby.

2. hang his clothes= è¡£æœæŒ‚èµ·æ¥
ex: I told him to hang his clothes 

3. hanger= 衣架
ex: I bought many hangers from IKEA.

Speaking exercise

Recently, I was worried about looking for a new job. I think it’s a little strange. In the past one month, I lived in Beijing, and looked for a new job, but I didn’t get some interviews invited there. A few companies from Shanghai contacted me, so I came here last week. When I came to Shanghai, Beijing’s company contacted me and incite me to join the interview. I think it’s really trouble to come to Beijing and return to Shanghai.

Last month, I had class online. I came to Shanghai to travel, and I find this institution so I learned in this. The air is good and the environment is comfortable. Now I really need to look for a new job suitable for me, so I’m looking for the job both in Beijing and Shanghai. I just went to a little interview, it’s not very suitable for me. It’s the end of the year, the employment is limited.

I have a boyfriend in Shanghai, he’s my college classmate, so we recognized each other for many years. We lived together very casually. We lived together for one week. I plan to get a new job and live near my new company.


Recently, I was worried about looking for a new job. I think it’s a little strange. In the past one month, I lived in Beijing, and looked for a new job, but I didn’t get any interviews invited there. A few companies from Shanghai contacted me, so I came here last week. When I came to Shanghai, Beijing’s company contacted me and invited me to go for the interview. I think it’s really troublesome to go to Beijing and return to Shanghai/ to travel around/ travel back and forth. 

Last month, I had classes online. I came to Shanghai to travel, and I found this institution so I started to learn English with SE. in this. The air quality is good and the environment is comfortable. Now I really need to look for a new job that is suitable for me, so I’m looking for the job in both Beijing and Shanghai. I just went to a few interviews, I don’t like the companies, the jobs don’t suit me. It’s the end of the year, the employment opportunity is limited.

I have a boyfriend in Shanghai, he’s my classmate from college, so we knew each other for many years. We lived together very casually. We lived together for one week. I plan to get a new job and live near my new company.

Writing exercise

My previous apartment was on due date. Then I moved to my relationship’s house for a few days until get my job.
There is an accounting supervisor with 3 subordinates in Beijing office.We have a tax specialist covering our group tax filing,a cashier service to group and the health check center in Beijing and I am responsible for overall finance work about the health check center.
We have two business lines in our company,including remote medical online and the health check center underline.
I am capable of doing this job and I would like to join a WOFE which is promising like yours to extend my skills and develop myself


My previous apartment was on due date. Then I moved to my relative‘s house for a few days until I get a new job.
There is an accounting supervisor with 3 subordinates in the Beijing office.We have a tax specialist covering the fax filing for our group‘s tax filing. We have a cashier service for our group and a health check center in Beijing. I am responsible for the overall finance work about the health check center.
We have two business lines in our company,including online remote medical service online and the health check center underline.
I was capable of doing this job and I would like to join a WOFE which is promising like your company to extend/enhance my skills and personal development.Â