VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]


if another people–> if another person

when we were graduated–> when we graduated

another vs other
another- singular
other- plural

I want another pizza.
I want other pizzas.


1.tempting (adj)= 诱惑的
ex: Shanghai is a very tempting city, there are just too many things to do and play.
ex: This dish is very tempting, I can’t wait to try it.

2. rooted= 扎根了
ex: This is rooted in their mind, they think they are better than anyone else.
ex: “I would never marry a HK man”, this is rooted in my mind.

3. patriotic= 爱国的
ex: A patriotic person would be so angry at your boss’ comments.

4. out of courtesy= 出于礼貌
ex: Your friends would help you out of courtesy, but they may not help you again.
ex: I explained to him the nature of my job out of courtesy. 

5. take SB/XX for granted= 觉得XX理所应当
ex: he takes my sacrifice for granted. 
ex: I took my mom for granted, I thought she should cook and clean after us.

Speaking exercise

I was annoyed on Thursday because my boss said I live in Shanghai for many years, but I still can’t understand Shanghainese. Actually I can understand Shanghainese but I don’t want to tell him. We had a voice message in Shanghai so he asked me to translate it. At that time, I’m very busy, so I told him I can’t understand. Then he asked me to look for local people to translate it, but my friend didn’t want to do it. Finally I translate it by myself, but I told my boss that was translated by my friend. My boss said he will give her some money and gifts.

I don’t want to tell him about I can understand Shanghainese, if I tell him, he will give me many things and he will think I should do it. On Thursday, he said “you stay in SH for many years, why you can’t understand Shanghainese?” It’s normal that he can’t understand because he is HKnese, because HKnese is the best in China. HKnese is smarter than the mainland people.


I was annoyed on Thursday because my boss said that I have lived in Shanghai for many years, but I still can’t understand Shanghainese. Actually I can understand Shanghainese but I don’t want to tell him. We had a voice message in Shanghainese so he asked me to translate it. At that time, I was very busy, so I told him I couldn’t understand. Then he asked me to look for local people to translate it, but my friends didn’t want to do it. Finally I translate it by myself, but I told my boss that it was translated by my friend. My boss said he will give her some money/compensation/benefits and gifts.

I don’t want to tell him that I can understand Shanghainese, if I tell him, he will give me many tasks and he will make me do them. On Thursday, he said “you have lived in SH for many years, why can’t you understand Shanghainese?” He thinks it’s normal that he can’t understand because he is HKnese, HKnese are the best in China. HKnese are smarter than the mainlanders.