VIP Class Notes (Lily) [S]
1. fulfilling= 充实的
ex: I think your life is very fulfilling, you have lots of things to do everyday.
2. point of view/ perspective= 观点
ex: everyone has different perspectives, we should respect the differences.
3. It’s not a big deal= 不是什么大事
ex: no big deal, everyone crashes once in a while.
4. self- discipline= 自律
ex: if you go to a new school alone without your parents, you really need self-discipline to get yourself on track.
ex: I’m not self-disciplined, I get lazy sometimes and skip work out.
5. skip= 翘
ex: skip work= 翘班
skip math class=翘课
ex: some people skip work to come to English class.
6. judge= 批判
ex: we shouldn’t judge other people.
7. insomnia/ sleeping disorder= 失眠
ex: I never have insomnia, I can fall asleep super fast.
ex: Some people have serious sleeping disorder, they can only fall asleep in the morning.
Speaking exercise
Today I run 10 km for 1 hour and 10 mins. After stretched my body, I had some hot sandwich. Running make me feel better. It can be a hobby for me, I care about the health problem, I thought do some sport is good for my health. If look at your brother’s picture, it inspires me. I admire them. If you want to keep this body, you have to control your eating. I love the carbs, like the breads. I love baking all the sweets, the breads, the cakes, the cookies. Last night, I baked a toast, used whole wheat flour. My husband influenced me, he really care about the details, like working in his job. I’m really not kind of person. On the other hand, I influenced him. I’m very curious about new things. I will took him to the school, to check, to learn some information about the school.
Today I ran 10 km in 1 hour and 10 mins. After running, I stretched my body/ muscles, I had some hot sandwiches. Running makes me feel better. It can be a hobby for me, I care about my wellbeing, I thought running is good for my health. If i look at your brother’s picture, it inspires me to work out. I admire people like him. If you want to keep this body, you have to control your diet. I love the carbs, like the breads. I love baking all kinds of the sweets, the breads, the cakes, the cookies. Last night, I baked a toast with whole wheat flour. My husband influenced me, he really cares about the details/ he is very detail- oriented when he’s working. I’m really not that kind of person. On the other hand, I influenced him too. I’m very curious about new things. I took him to Switzerland to check out the new school, to learn some information about the school.
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