VIP Class Notes (Lily) [R/W]


sc- sg sound: screen scratch scream script scam scramble egg

potato= poe TAY toe
tomato= toe MAY toe

said= sed
thought = thot
bought= bot

bat bet bit bite
sad sed Sid side


ex: I have other friends who will be coming tonight
ex: I have another friend who will be coming tonight.
ex: Do you have another book?
ex: Do you have other books?


1.ketchup= tomato sauce
ex: Would you like some ketchup? Yes please. No thank you.
ex: Can I have some more ketchup please? Sure

2. neighborhood= 小区附近区域
ex: There are lots of good restaurants around my neighborhood.
ex: I like my neighborhood, it’s very convenient.


Tom could hardly wait for the Fair. He had thought about it for weeks. On Friday a big airplane was coming to the Fair, and Tom was going to see it. Everyone in the farmhouse got up early Friday morning. Mother and Father and the children did their work at fast as they could. Before long all of them were ready for the ride to town. Away they went in the big car. As they went along the road by the cornfield, Father stopped the car. Look look he said. The cows are in the corn. I shall have to get them out and mend the fence. Tom jumped out of the car. I’ll do it, father, he said. You can take others to the Fair. I’ll mend the fence and walk to town. Tom tried to hurry, but the cows did not want to hurry. At last he got them out of the cornfield and into the pasture. Then he mended the fence.

Poor Tom, how he wanted to see that airplane. I can never walk to town in time to see airplane, now. he thought. It took me too long to mend the fence. Just then Tom heard a strange noise in the sky. Nearer and nearer it came. Tom looked up what was that high above the trees, it was much bigger than any bird he has ever seen. Oh an airplane, Tom cried.  It is coming down right in our pasture. Down down came the big airplane. it ran across the pasture and stopped near the fence. A man got out, hello he said, my airplane is out of gasoline. Does your father has any, oh yes said Tom, we have a big can full of gasoline in our garage. I’ll help you get some.

Writing exercise

– I have a friend John , i have known him for 6 or 7 years.he invited my colleague and me for dinner last week.he said:what are your favorite dishes.your are the boss.your just told me the restaurant’s name and location. My colleague and me decided to eat 小龙虾 at the 沪小胖at 8:30pm on Tuesday .
– usually we have to get a ticket and line up at the popular restaurant. I went to there got a ticket 等位置and waited for another guys.


– I have a friend named John , i have known him for 6 or 7 years. He invited my colleague and I to dinner last week.he said: “what is your favorite food? your are the boss. just tell me the restaurant’s name and location.” My colleague and I decided to eat 小龙虾 at the 沪小胖at 8:30pm on Tuesday .
– Usually we have to get a ticket/number and line up for the popular restaurants. I went to there and got a ticket for the table while waiting for the other people.