VIP Class Notes (Lily) [R/S]


1.cart= 车
shopping cart= 购物车
ex: When I go shopping with my sister, we always use a shopping cart.
ex: When I go shopping, I never use a shopping cart.

2. rode= past tense of “ride”
ex: I rode my bike yesterday.
ex: I rode a horse in DaLian last year.

3. galloping= run fast on a horse
ex: She’s galloping because she’s late!

4. splash= 把水泼在XX上
ex: I splashed the water on the ground.
ex: I splashed the coffee on your shirt.

5. such as= 比如说
ex: I like to eat fruits, such as apples, bananas, oranges.
ex: there are many vegetables in the supermarket, such as carrots, onions, and cucumbers.

6. log = 木头

ex: People cut down the logs to make paper.

7. roll= 滚来滚去
ex: can you roll the ball to me?

8.rub= 摩擦
ex: Helen is rubbing the table to clean it.
ex: I rub my hands when I’m cold .

Speaking exercise

It’s about a white pony that his hair is very white, he doesn’t like car. That day, a girl named Patty and her father go to the town with the car. The white pony is angry, so he runs away. After dinner, pony got out of the barn without making any noise, then it wants to drink. He sees a big pond near the road, then he jumps into it. The many frogs live in the pond, they see the pony, so they make a great noise. Grandfather Frog tells pony “better get out”, but the muds pulls him in deeper and deeper, the pony cannot get out. He’s so frightened that he cried out for help as loud as he could. A dog hears the noise and it begins to bark. A farmer hears the do barking, then he goes to see what happens.

The farmer finds the pony, and he knows the pony is Betty’s pony, then he telephones Betty’s father to help the pony.


It’s about a white pony who has very white hair, he doesn’t like the car. That day, a girl named Patty and her father go to the town with the car. The white pony is angry, so he runs away. After dinner, pony gets out of the barn without making any noise, then it wants to drink. He sees a big pond near the road, then he jumps into it. Many frogs live in the pond, they see the pony, so they make a great noise. Grandfather Frog tells pony “better get out”, but the muds pulls him in deeper and deeper, the pony cannot get out. He’s so frightened that he cries out for help as loud as he can. A dog hears the noise and it begins to bark. A farmer hears the dog barking, then he goes to see what happens.

The farmer finds the pony, and he knows the pony belongs to Betty, then he calls Betty’s father to help the pony.


The pony runs away. Once there was a white pony that lived on a farm. His hair was so white and smooth that he was called White Satin. Every day White Stain took patty for a ride. Sometimes Patty rode in the little red pony cart, and sometimes she rode on White Satin’s back. One day, Pat’s father came home with a big blue car and put it in the barn. white Satin did not like cars. He was always afraid they would run into him and hurt him. He did not like to have the car standing near him in the barn. He shook his head and snapped his big white teeth. That day Patty went to town with her father in the new car. White Satin was very angry. They do not want me anymore, he said, I should run away.

After supper, white Satin got out of the barn without making any noise. No one heard him as he ran out to the road and went galloping away. By and by White satin wanted a drink,. He saw a pony near the road and jumped into it with all four feet. Many frogs lived in the pond. When they heard the big splash and saw White Satin, they began to make a great noise.

Better get out, said the grandfather frogs in their big gruff voices. Too Depp, too deep, said father frogs in their deep deep voices. Leap leap leap, said the little, eww frogs in their little high voices. White Satin tried to jump out, but he could not. His four feet were stuck in the soft mud. He tried and tried to get out, but the mud pulled him in deeper and deeper. Never get out, said the grandfather frog.

Going deeper, going deeper, said the Father frogs. Too late too deep, said the little young frogs. White Satin began to think the frogs were right. He was stuck fast in the mud. He was so frightened that he cried out for help as loud as he could. A farmer’s dog heard White Satin, he heard the frogs too and began to bark. Such a noise as they all made!