VIP Class Notes (Lily) [R]


1. sleepy (adj)= 困的
ex: are you sleepy? Yes I’m always sleepy.

2. funeral (noun)=葬礼
ex: When you attend a funeral, you should wear dark colors.

3. pleasant scent= 愉悦的气味
ex: I think the bakery shop has a pleasant scent.

4. wealth (noun)= 财富
wealthy (adj)= 富有的 富足的
ex: Cinnamon was an indication of wealth.
ex: Ma Yun is very wealthy, he is one of the wealthiest man in China.

5. treatment= 治疗
ex: I received treatment from the doctor and I feel better.

6. digestion = 消化
ex: Many people have digestion problems, they have diarrhea 便秘.

7. camel= 骆驼🐫
ex: The merchants use camels to bring the cinnamons to the Mediterranean.

8. monopoly= 垄断
ex: The monopoly of cinnamon became impossible in the 19th century.

9. spice (noun)= 香料
ex: Some arguments may bring some spices to the marriage.
ex: My mom seldom uses spice, she likes the original taste of the food.


Bringing cinnamon to Europe

Cinnamon is a sweet, fragrant spice produced from the inner bark of trees of the genius Cinnamomum, which is native to the Indian sub- continent. It was known in biblical times, and is mentioned in several books of the Bible, Bothe as an ingredient that was mixed with oils for anointing people’s bodies, and also as a trek indicating friendship among lovers and friends. In ancient Tome, mourners attending funerals burnt cinnamon to create a pleasant scent. Most often, however, the spice found its primary use as an additive to food and drink. In the Middle Ages, Europeans who could afford the spice used it to flavor food, particularly meat, and to impress those around them with their ability to purchase an expensive condiment from the “exotic East” At a banquet, a host would offer guests a plate with various spices piled up it as a sign of the wealth at his of her disposal.