VIP Class Notes (Lily)


1.fresh blood= new things
ex: It’s important to have fresh blood in life.

2.dress up =打扮
ex: are you going to dress up for the ceremony?

3. contradicting (adj) =矛盾的
ex: I like rich man but I want him to be hardworking, this is contradicting.

4. dilemma (noun)= 困境 窘境
ex: I’m in a serious dilemma, there’s nothing I could do.

5. ideal (adj)- 理想中的
ex: I think he would be an ideal boyfriend despite his ugly look.

6. mortgage= 贷款
ex: There’s no mortgage on this house because he paid in full. 全款

7. down payment= 首付
ex: In Shanghai, you need to pay 70% for the down payment. 

8. affordable (adj)= 可支付的
ex: The monthly payment is expensive but affordable.

9. older = 年长的
ex: I have an older sister and a younger brother.

10. decorate = 装修
ex: we could decorate the second floor and live upstairs.

11. renovate (verb)= 翻修
ex: the 10th floor has been under renovation for one month.
ex: I want to renovate the first floor.

12. bottom line= 底线
ex: What’s your bottom line?

13. subjective (adj)= 主观的
ex: I am a subjective person, I don’t accept other views and opinions.

14. objective (adj)= 客观的
ex: Now I am more objective, I can accept diversity.

15. reputation (noun)= 名声 声望
ex: Some people are scared of divorce, because they think they will have a bad reputation.

16. souvenirs= 手信
ex: He bought some souvenirs for me and wanted to give them to me.