VIP Class Notes (Lily)


1.scumbag/ douchebag = bad man
ex: XX is a scumbag.

2. tub (noun)= 浴缸
ex: she would take pictures around the tub.

3. pimples (noun)= 痘痘
ex: I would have pimples before my period.

4. blush (noun)= 腮红
ex: I have a blush brush.

5. flip-flop= 夹脚拖
ex: even though we don’t have a dress code, we can’t wear flip-flop to work.

6. work remotely= 远程办公
ex: can you work remotely?

7. ideal (adj)= 理想的
ex: My ideal job is when I could work remotely when I want to.

Speaking exercise

I have a sexy roommate, she works for PWC. She often works overtime everyday, she works until 2 o’clock in the morning. I see her once a month because she often works overtime.