VIP Class Notes (Lily)


1. dish= 一盘菜
ex: there are 5 dishes today.

2. main dish= 主菜
ex: What’s the main dish for today?

3. side order= 配菜
ex: if you order a combo, you can choose your sides: fries, salad.
ex: what would you like for your side order?

4. picky (adj)= 挑剔的
ex: I used to be very picky on food.

5. chives= 韭菜

6. intestines=内脏 肠子
ex:I don’t like to eat intestines.

7. chill (adj)= 随性的
ex: I’m very chilled person.

8. rarely+ verb (adv)=偶尔的
rare (adj)= 罕见的
ex: It’s rare for me to wake up at 8.
ex: I rarely drink.
ex: It’s rare for me to be late on a date.


回(一个地方)= go back to XX

Speaking exercise

what is the hardest desire to control? Food, drink, games, shopping, work, gamble?