VIP Class Notes (Lily)


world= were road 肉


1.phobia= 恐惧
ex: acrophobia= scared of height
ex: claustrophobia= scared of being in a confined place
ex: trypophobia = 密集恐惧症

Speaking exercise

How close should we be with our colleagues?

Good friends for me means we can always chat on wechat. In my perspective, best friends from work means we can also be in touch even if we’re not working together. Most of the colleagues are just happy at work. I am the kind of person who can always share everything with my friends, we are young people, there’s nothing need to hide. I will consider if this person can understand me or accept this information. If he never share his personal things, I will not share mine. If there’s a new guy, I will look at his face and feel, then to decide how close we could be. 

A few weeks ago, I got a new boss, who came back from Germany, he’s Chinese and looks very old. He looks like a math teacher. I don’t feel too good. He worked in German for almost ten years. The advertising environment is totally different from the China.