VIP Class Notes (Lily) [W]

Next Class Focus

do reading next class


do a writing using the vocabs from today


1. cousin= 表XX 堂XX
ex: i have two cousins who live in SH.

2. sibling= brother and sister from the same mom and dad
ex: do you have any siblings?
ex: i have 2 siblings, i have an older sister and a younger brother.

3. muscular (MUS gu ler)= adj for muscle
ex: my brother is very muscular.
ex: I like men who are muscular.

4. coronavirus= 新冠
ex: Due to coronavirus, lots of schools are closed.

5. discriminate (verb)= 歧视
discrimination (noun)= 歧视
ex: lots of people will have age discrimination against elder workers.

6. fresh graduates= people who just graduated
ex: MT only hires fresh graduates. 

7. bubble tea= çç å¥¶èŒ¶
ex: I used to love bubble tea but not anymore.

8. pearl ( per rou s )= çç 
ex: would you like some pearls or jelly grass? 

9. graduate= 毕业
ex: I think I have became a woman after I graduated.
ex: I graduated in 2017.

10. soy sauce= 酱油
ex: I use soy sauce to marinate腌制 my chicken nuggets.

Writing exercise

Today I‘ll talk about my favorite stars up to now. The following sort is from the earliest.

1. JJ. He is a singer from Singapore who has some different style of creating. I was attracted  with his ‘Jiang Nan’ when I was thirteen. The most amazing part is the å‰å¥which could bring imagination to North of the China where has a lot of ancient architectures, rivers, bridges and always rain. JJ had created some quick, sense of modernity and lyric songs.

2. Lihong Wang & Will Pan. Their style is totally different. The former style is partial to åå‘ national style, but Will is pop song, so his style is quick and sounds happy.

3. Aaron Yan. He was the member of Feilunhai. I remember I saw his picture in food packaging at first time. He was so handsome that I fell in love at first sight. But now I don’t like him because he was criticized the leader of WHO and he had 歧视 black people

4. 2 p.m.. This is a pop team from Korea which looks powerful because all of them have muscle. They often work with Girls Generation.

5. Boxian Bian. He was the member of EXO. He was the lead singer in the team. He was the last one which I liked before educated.


Today I‘ll talk about my favorite stars respectively. 

1. JJ. He is a singer from Singapore who has some different styles of producing music. I was attracted to his ‘Jiang Nan’ album when I was thirteen. The most amazing part was the prelude which creates a sense of Northern China with a lot of ancient architectures, rivers, bridges and rain. JJ had created lots of popular/ modern fast- rhythm songs.

2. Lihong Wang & Will Pan. Their styles are totally different. The former music style is prone to “China” style, but Will produces lots of  pop music, so the songs sound happy.

3. Aaron Yan. He was the member of Feilunhai. I remember I saw his picture in on a packaging for the first time. He was so handsome that I fell in love at first sight. But now I don’t like him because he was criticized the leader of WHO and he discriminated black people

4. 2 p.m.. This is a pop music group from Korea, they are all very muscular. They often work with/collaborate with Girls Generation.

5. Boxian Bian. He was the member of EXO. He was the lead singer in the team. He was the last one which I liked before I graduated.Â