VIP Class Notes (Li)


phone plan – 套餐

There is a plan A/B/C available for 30 yuan a month/per month.

offer a plan – to suggest/recommend

complain – to express dissatisfaction or annoyance about something

ex. The customers were disappointed with the food so they complained.

store owner – someone who owns a store

store manager – someone who manages a store

stock up – to buy a lot of sth

ex. Costco is a good place for stocking up on groceries.


use phone/tablet

Speaking exercise

There is the other room available

There is another room available

My friend went to a hospital several months ago. He push a message on moments.

My friend went to a hospital several months ago. He posted a message on moments.

Her attitude gave me bad feeling.

Her attitude was very bad/awful.

They answer you very simple words.

They reply with very simple responses/answers.