VIP Class Notes (Li)


lyrics – words to a song

tune – the melody of a song


break in (a place) – to enter without asking

ex. The burglar broke into the store after it closed.

take away – to force someone to leave

ex. The police comes and takes the burglar away.

track pants – pants for doing sports

painkiller – medicine that stops the pain

ex. You can take painkillers to stop the pain from surgery.

return a product (ex.clothes/shoes) – to send it back

ex. It’s not convenient to return a product that you buy on Double 11.


a shop opens/closes/shuts

ex. The store shuts at 5.

lions hunt in packs – groups

my teeth is fall down 

my teeth is about to fall off/is wobbly 

Speaking exercise

I don’t ate

I didn’t eat 

It use lot of time.

It takes a lot of time.