VIP Class Notes (Li)


architecture – designing and building buildings

immune system – mian yi xi tong

long commute – travel to and from work

ex. My commute to work is considered short.

take a bath – wash yourself

curfew – time when you are required to return to your home

ex. Stella is lucky to not have a curfew as an adult.


She won’t/would not agree

live on my own/with others  

Speaking exercise

I think about it before.

I thought about it before.

Some people you not really familiar with.

Some people that you are not really familiar with.

Everyone has their primary space.

Everyone has their personal space.

Someone when they overbroad….

When someone went abroad

I think my parents won’t that agree.

I think my parents won’t really agree.

One reason a lot of Shanghainese don’t really move out,

A reason why many Shanghainese don’t really move out is because

Maybe your husband cannot that comfortable.

Maybe your husband won’t feel that comfortable.

Living way.

Way of living.

I prefer to relax myself first.

Her father is a colleague with my father.

Her father is a colleague of my father