VIP Class Notes (Li)


doppelgänger – a living person who looks very similar to you

rate a photo/person/thing – to measure something using a quantifiable method

spot on – exactly right, perfectly accurate

ex. That portrait of John that the artist created is spot on.

ex. Mandy’s impression of different accents is spot on.

wrinkles – faint lines on your face

Speaking exercise

First is to take photographs and second is ask some people to see them. The last one is a DNA test.

The first test is to take photographs of each pair and the second test is to ask/invite 100 people to come rate them. The last one is a DNA test.

Say nothing.

To not say anything.

You can make your new friend and your relationships will be good and you can share your lives with each other.

You can make a new friend and your relationships will become better. You can also share your lives with each other.

If you want to buy a coffee and your doppelgänger also wants to buy a coffee, the shop assistant won’t be able to recognise you and him/differentiate the two of you.