VIP Class Notes (Li)


interact – to communicate or be involved directly

ex. Do you interact with others online?

ex. The actors on-stage can interact with the audience while performing.

mainstream – ideas, attitudes shared by most people

ex. Mainstream films are often overrated.

creative content – types of media you find online

manage money/your spendings – control your expenses

spending habits – how you use money

ex. Do you have any bad spending habits?

urgent – needs immediate attention

ex. I need to speak to the doctor, it’s urgent!

Speaking exercise

I think it have but I don’t want to use it.

I think there is but I don’t want to use it/I’m not a user. 

I’m afraid that if I use that app, my secret will …

I’m afraid that if I use that app, my secret will be revealed/be exposed.

Someone is can get it easier than me.

Some of my classmates can get whatever they want easier than me.

I would divide the money into two parts. One to spend on food and the other to save.

I would divide the money into two parts. One to spend on food/daily expenses and the other to save.

When it’s hurry, you can use the money.

When it’s urgent/an emergency, you can use the money/access immediately.