VIP Class Notes (Li)

Needs more review

rhyme – words with similar sounds (whole word or at the end)

ex. boy/toy/Roy

ex. shop/top/mop

ex. lazy/crazy


host/organise/plan a party

realise – to find out what has happened/is happening

ex. Mr Bean realised that Grandma’s party had been for him all along.

folder – a hard cover that holds paper together

opposites – people or things that have a completely different meaning

ex. big/small

ex. long/short

brew – make some drinks (ex. beer) by soaking and boiling

lorry – large, heavy vehicle for transporting things

ex. Lorries can carry petrol across cities.


leave bird poo – put somewhere

make a mistake

Use speech marks to show someone speaking – “”

ex. Grandma tells Mr Bean, “That’s my money!”

Speaking exercise

Our team player is very tall.

My teammates are/People in my team very tall.

Many tall people only can play very well, but only under the board.

Many tall people can only play very well under the backboard.