VIP Class Notes (Li)


I decided to/have chosen to use my family’s car plate

transport bureau/department of transportation – 交通部

foreign – from or belonging to another area

ex. foreign food/car plate

food from other regions – 地区

parking place/spot

What is your main concern? – What are you worried about the most?

rest station – 休息站

first/second/third/fourth tier city – 线

inheritance – money or things given to you when someone dies

property – things you own like house, land or car


Speaking exercise

My cousin, she’s working in government. She needed to transfer her car license plate to her father.

My cousin who is working for the government. She needed to transfer her car license plate to her father.

They told her father that my sister must have a car. Then she can transfer to her father.

On the weekends, I can’t drive a car on the bridge. On weekends, I can drive a car.

I can’t drive my car on the bridge on weekdays. But I can on weekends.

If you drive your car to XZ it’s difficult to charge.

It would be difficult to charge if you drive your car to XZ.

As I know

From what I know 


property – praw-per-tee