VIP Class Notes (Li)


play a game to decide the order – the position in which things are arranged

blind fold/n/v – to put a piece of cloth over your eyes.

moustache – a strip of hair on the upper lip

normally – usually

ex. They normally go there once a week.

steak – grilled beef

(how steak is cooked) rare – medium rare – medium – well done – 3 – 5- 7 – 10

melt – to make something become watery by heat

ex. I love melted chocolate because you can make many other things with it.

bitter – not sweet, like coffee

click on sth/it – to press the mouse/trackpad

ex. Click on this button and this page will close.

unlimited – not limited

ex. There’s unlimited chocolate in my house!

ex. On weekends, I have unlimited time to sleep.

Speaking exercise

I go there late.

I came here/arrived late.

My teacher will give you a paper and you say  blah blah blah.

My teacher will give you a piece of paper and you just need to read it out loud.

We are not one teacher.

We don’t have the same teacher.

There is a funniest thing.

There is a funny thing on the wall.

Yesterday I cook a thing.

Yesterday I cooked something.

I think I do it not very good.

I think I didn’t do it well.

When I do it good I will make an ice-cream.

When I do it well I will make an ice-cream.

A very bit sweet

A little bit sweet.

I and my father don’t like sweets.

My father and I don’t like sweets.


steak – stake

stick – stik