VIP Class Notes (Li)


sit ups – the sports event that you are competing in

short/long-distance race

professional swimmer – to pursue a swimming career

lap – one length in a pool/one round around a race track

gold/silver/bronze medal – a metal disc you get from a sporting event

athletic – sporty

the teacher is very harsh/strict 


Speaking exercise

The final races will all happen on one day.

The final races will all happen in one day.

Because we just have 50m, 100m and 200m and 1000m run.

Because we only have the 50m, 100m, 200m and 1000m races.

I’m not good at short-run.

I’m not good at short-distance races.

When I in kindergarten I just a little taller than the others.

When I was in kindergarten I was only a little taller than the others.

There are many students who are out.

There are many students who were eliminated/who did not make it. 

I have a long time not swimming.

I did not swim for a long time.

If I don’t got sick, I can still swim.

If I didn’t get sick, I can still swim.