VIP Class Notes (Li)


company/office – where adults go to work

cowboy – a man who rides horses and wears a hat, shirt, jeans and boots

abandoned/deserted town – empty of people

invisible – cannot be seen

ex. I can’t seem to find him anywhere – he must be invisible!

start a fire – make a fire

ex. Do you know how to start a fire in the wild?

man-eating plants – eat people


wake up -> woke up (past tense)

We goes to the She Shan

We went to She Shan

She caught a cold – already sick

Speaking exercise

I go to it with my classmates.

I went there with my classmates.

Have two days.

I went to She Shan for two days.

Today, I waked up at 5:30 because my father had a meet.

Today, I woke up at 5:30 because my father had a meeting

We arrive home at 6:30 and my father drive to his office.

We arrived home at 6:30 then my father drove to his office.

I read it all in Chinese.

The people are live there and now they don’t.

The people used to live there, but now they don’t.

They find someone playing the piano but they can’t see.

They find someone playing the piano but they can’t find them/this person is invisible.

I’m afraid why the pianos are moved but no people playing.

I’m afraid because the piano is playing but you can’t see them.

I have a little remember.

I remembered a little.