VIP Class Notes (Li)


apartment – 公寓

I’m having a lesson/I’m learning English/I’m studying English with Li

breakfast – 早饭

climbing the stairs – 爬楼梯

put on makeup/sun cream – 化妆/涂


He is my father.

His father is in Paris. –  my, your, his, her, its, our, their

I gave a book to him. – me, you, him, her, it, us, them

She went to the park with them.

My parents cooked for us.

You gave me an ice cream.

to ‘be’ + verb -ing 

ex. I am studying

ex. You are studying

ex. He/She/It is studying

ex. We are studying

ex. They are studying

turn on/off the computer/lights/fan

open/close the door/window