VIP Class Notes (Li)


best of both worlds – a situation where you can enjoy two things

ex. Having no homework and getting to go home early is the best of both worlds.

after school club – an activity club

self-study – study on their own

confiscate – take something away from somebody

ex. If the teacher knows that you brought in snacks, they’ll confiscate it and get your parents to pick it up.


there have 

there is 

there is a club every day

there are many clubs

there has been a problem in school

Speaking exercise

We always done the homework in school.

We always finish the homework in school.

I want there are not homework.

I would prefer to have no homework/to not have homework. 

Our class is ending at a quarter past 3 and then we have one hour for finish the homework. And then if you finish the homework, you can read book or what, and then waiting to half past four and then go home.

Our class is ends at a quarter past 3 and then we have one hour for finish our homework. After that when you finish your homework, you can read a book or do whatever, and go home at half past four.

Somebody will go to after school club.

Some people will go to the after school club.

Somebody is go home at a quarter past three because they don’t join in…so they go home at 3:15. If they don’t go to school club, they will get home at half past 4.

Some people will go home at a quarter past three because they didn’t join the after school club so they go home early. If they don’t go to the school club, they will go home at half past 4.

On Monday there has some club.

On Monday there are many clubs.

I eat dinner on 7 o’clock, maybe 8 o’clock.

I eat dinner at 7 o’clock; maybe 8 o’clock.

School lunch like a poop.

School lunch tastes like poop.