VIP Class Notes (Li)


saliva – watery liquid in your mouth

ex. Witches have blue saliva.

homeless – not have a home

ex. The witch on the left looks homeless.

slug – like a snail

hot cocoa – chocolate

construct – build

ex. The builders work together to construct a new building.

quiver – to shake or shiver

ex. Boy’s lips quivered as he stood motionless in front of the witch.


sheeps -> sheep 

same as deer, fish

*not all nouns end with -s

feed -> fed (past tense)

Speaking exercise

I have lots of things to do.

I just have one sports class and Maths, Chinese, English is on the morning. Sports and Music is on the afternoon.

I just had one sports class today. Maths, Chinese, English are in the morning. Sports and Music are in the afternoon.

The goes to the music school and the teacher teach me piano.

I go to the music school and the teacher teaches me piano.

The normal witch is bald and it has pointy nose. It has blue… and pointy claws. It has square feet without toes. The eyes can change colours from fiery red to blue.

A witch is bald and it has a pointy nose. It has blue saliva and pointy/sharp claws. It has square feet without toes. The eyes can change colour from fiery red to blue.

(The witch on the right) She squeezes her square feet into pointy, little shoes. She wears gloves and she puts a wig on her head/puts on a wig.

My grandma friend’s dog.

My grandma’s friend’s dog.

Maybe the bus driver is a witch.

Some of them is scary.

Some of them are scary.