VIP Class Notes (Li)


morning sickness – feeling sick during pregnancy

severe sickness- very serious

due date – the day when the baby is born

give birth/deliver a baby

when the baby is born/when I have the baby/give birth to the baby


half a kilogram/500 grams/0.5kg


*remember to include your verbs

take the bus/metro/train

come by bus/car/train

go home/come back home

Speaking exercise

I back home for just one week.

I went back home for just one week.

Have rest four months.

I had a rest for four months.

Because of baby I am now married.

I am now married because of the baby.

I already have 5 months.

I’m already 5 months pregnant.

At that time I running 40 to 50 days.

At the time I ran for 40 to 50 days before I found out I was pregnant.

The baby born date

The baby’s due date 

No good sleep

Not getting enough sleep/Not having a good night’s sleep

When they practice yoga during pregnant, the baby will become quiet.

When women practice yoga during pregnancy, the baby will become quieter.

I have a lot of practice before pregnant.

I used to practice a lot before getting pregnant.