VIP Class Notes (Li)


Book 3 Unit 2 – Technology

Complete the reading on pg. 10-11


traffic jam – when there are too many cars on the road

ex. I was late because of the traffic jam.

pack your bag – put books and other things in your bag

app/application – software on your computer, phone, ipad

it damages your eyes – hurt

type – when you press keys on the keyboard and words show up on screen

ex. She types very fast because she practices every day.

search for information – look up information online

Speaking exercise

I go to have a dancing class and I come here by the taxi.

went to have a dance class and I came here by the taxi.

Because in school, we don’t leave to school in 3 o’clock. We leave to school in 4 o’clock.

Because in school, we don’t leave to school at 3 o’clock. We leave to school at 4 o’clock.

3 We will go to pack bags and at 3:15, we leave school.

We will go to pack our bags at 3,/We will get ready to go home at 3, and at 3:15, we leave school.

Tell us what we should do online.

Give us instructions online.

One hour or two hours

One to two hours.

I think it is same like phones.

I think it is the same as phones/pretty much similar to phones/a bigger phone.

I like computer class because we have 10 minutes to rest and we can play computer.

I like computer class because we have a rest for 10 minutes and we can play computer.

The telephone can take it everywhere. We don’t have to take it very big or very heavy.

We can take the telephone everywhere. It is neither very big nor heavy.


battery – bat-tree

app – ap