VIP Class Notes (Li)


check on sb/monitor – observe or check to make sure someone is doing sth right

open book test or close book test

quiz – small test

realised/realized – both spellings are correct

colour/color – same


*Use the plural of nouns when talking about it in general terms

ex. When students take tests 

for if statements, the second part is would/could

ex. If the test is not important, I would not study for it.

ex. If I could go on holiday, I would go to Hainan.

*except for factual statements 

ex. It ice melts, it becomes water.

Speaking exercise

They will want it crazily.

They will want more (money) next time.

Teacher noticed the notebook.

The teacher found out about the notebook.

First I will think if this test is important. If it is not important, I will not do this.

First I will think if this test is important. If it is not important, I would not do this.

I found the things. If I review I will get low mark.

I found out that/I realised that If I review I would get a low mark.

To let more teacher to look the student

Let more teachers/Make sure that teachers check on/monitor students

In Geography test, we can open the book to find the answer.

In the Geography test, we can use the book to find the answer/The geography test is an open book test.

You should remember which page told this.

You should remember which page has this information.

We have class in different times. Some of them have class in July. The other have in August.

We have class at different times/in different months. Some of them have class in July. The others in August

I don’t need to wake up in 6AM.

I don’t need to wake up at 6AM.

When I go to travelling

When I go to travel/When I go on holiday/on a trip