VIP Class Notes (Li)


Unit 12-13 Vocabulary – Fashion and Clothing


summer camp – xia ling ying

from 7 years old/from 7 and above 

luggage/suitcase –  a large rectangular box for travelling

scan the barcode  – to bring it close to a machine to beep

self-checkout counter – you scan and pay for the food by yourself

toilet paper/roll – paper for toilet

kitchen roll – paper for kitchen

bone – part of your body that is very hard

ex. human/dinosaur bone

maternal grandmother – mother’s side

paternal grandmother – father’s side


teach – taught (irregular verb)

similar to catch/buy

Speaking exercise

at July of 19th

On July 19th/On 19th July 

They will at night to check the room

They will check our rooms at night 

I like to shopping for food

I like to shop for food/I like shopping for food

I don’t like buying clothes because will usually to try. I don’t like to try anything.

I don’t like buying clothes because I don’t like trying/want to try them on.