VIP Class Notes (Li)


Read Chapters 7-9

What are some differences that you’ve noticed so far between the book and this episode?

Today we focused on:

End of ep 5


resemble – to have a similar appearance or qualities of another person/thing

ex. The fake Count Olaf only faintly resembles the real Count Olaf.

Speaking exercise

They catch the wrong Count Olaf and want to burn him.

Who break the rules will get burnt by fire.

Whoever breaks the rules will get burnt by fire.

They saw him and catch him.

They saw him and caught/arrested him.

He look like Count Olaf, he has one bow and one tattoo.

He looks like/resembles Count Olaf because he has one brow and one tattoo.

Klaus will read the rule book to find some rules to save the wrong Count Olaf.

Klaus will read the rule book uncover some rules to save the fake Count Olaf.


eyebrow – eye-brr-row