VIP Class Notes (Li)


needle – long, thin. sharp object used for injecting liquids into the body

ex. Nurses need to use needles every day.

hollow – having a hole inside

ex. a hollow needle

inject – use a needle to put a liquid into your body

ex. Have you received the COVID-19 vaccine injection yet?

ex. Scientists inject this medicine into animals to test it out.

surgery – operation

operating theatre – the room where an operation is performed

log/record data on the computer – type

irresponsible – not responsible

come to realise – find out/discover

to be fond of sbd/to fancy sbd – to like a person

patient/n – the person getting treated at the hospital

ex. Some of my colleagues will fight with the patient’s family.

gallbladder – dan

cancer cell – cancer xi bao

pancreas – yi xian

intestine – chang zi

kidney – shen

ultrasound – the machine that doctors use to look at your body

Speaking exercise

This is job is time free and you can go off when doctor finish

This is job is flexible and you can get off work when the doctor is finished  

Yes, because the person is always find some bad things in their body

Yes, because the doctor always finds some cancer cells in their body

I have many many time to study English

I have much time/a lot of time to study English

Third company

Third party 

Because some person’s cancer very deep so the doctor use the needle

Because some people’s cancer is very deep in the body, so the doctor uses a needle to extract some cancer cells  

Writing exercise

Emma Woodhouse is a beautiful and smart landowner girl. She liked matchmaking. One day, she put an orphan girl, Haley Pieter, under her protection. She arrange the girl to fall in love by her objective judgment Haley was easy-going and “loved” the “suitors” who was chosen by Emma times again. At last, with Emma’s unresposible encouraging, Haley considered that she “loved” the biggest landowner and alderman, Mr.Knightley. Till then, Emma suddenly found that it was herself who loved Mr. Knightley. And the final result was that Emma and Haley found their matched companions.


Emma Woodhouse is a beautiful and smart girl who is a landowner. She likes matchmaking. One day, she put an orphan girl, Haley Pieter, under her protection. She arranges a match-matching session for the girl.  Haley is easy-going and is fond of/facies the suitor who is chosen by Emma. At last, with Emma’s irresponsible encouragement, Haley comes to realise that she loves the biggest landowner and elderman, Mr. Knightley. Finally, Emma suddenly realises that she loves Mr. Knightley. And the final result is that Emma and Haley both found their matched companions.