VIP Class Notes (Li)

Needs more review

object – a thing that can be seen or touched

ex. Pass me an object that looks circular.

ex. What objects are there on the table?

lucky draw – a game where you can win a prize if the number you have matches the number that is drawn


bracelet – a piece of jewellery that you can wear around your wrist

beads – small round balls that you can put a string through to make a piece of jewellery

wear/put on clothes

cruise – big ship that you can travel on for holiday

get lost – to lose your way

ex. What would you do if you got lost in another country?

fortune-teller – a person who tells people what may happen in the future

Speaking exercise

She’s first name is

Her first name is

A circle and there are lots of small balls around it

There are many beads that can be strung/tied together to make a circle 

He need to take care for heself

He needs to take care of himself 

You need to be careful of the shark