VIP Class Notes (Li)


Review and Write up Vocabulary: Unit 15 Life


fake – not real

ex. That cricket is fake so it cannot move.

can be alive – can live for

Speaking exercise

Next week is all for test

Next week is exam week.

Two test we finish and then we go home

When we finish two tests then we can go home 

Tuesday and Wednesday we don’t have school

We don’t have school on Tuesday and Wednesday 

The biggest is the elephant. The longest is the blue whale. The tallest is the giraffe. The smallest is the tiny little monkey. Butterfly can use feet to taste the food.

The biggest is the elephant. The longest is the blue whale. The tallest is the giraffe. The smallest is the tiny little monkey. Butterflies can use their feet to taste food.

Cricket ears are on their knees.

Ostrich’s brain is small than his eye.

The ostrich’s brain is smaller than his eyes.

The blue whale is the loudest.

When it is same it isn’t fun to go to zoo.

When the animals are the same, it isn’t fun to go to the zoo.

A turtle can stay long

A turtle can be alive for a long time/can live for a long time