VIP Class Notes (Li)


Do a writing using the words from today


minor surgery – small surgery

endorse – to get paid to recommend a product

ex. Live streamers are a popular choice for brands because they can endorse many products.

mid-year – middle of the year

hike up prices – increase

pre-sale/1  – time before something is made available for sale

ex. The pre-sale price for this bag is 500.

pre-sale /2– time before goods are sold at reduced prices

if you are the first 100 – first few people to do sth

full-size – the regular size

Speaking exercise

If I got project i need to do edit it

If I have a project I need to edit it

I required to do surgery for two weeks

I requested to take a leave for 2 weeks because of surgery

You can know where is the delivery

You can find out the location of your delivery

I was so heartbreaking

I was so heartbroken 

Once I got something wrong with my product

Once there was something wrong/there was an issue with my product


wear – where

queue – Q