VIP Class Notes (Li)


Food (book 1) and Travel (book 2) vocabulary  – do the same thing as last time

Complete the reading worksheets

Today we focused on:

“A Restaurant Menu” Reading

Breakfast video


lunch/dinner is served – to present a meal or food to someone at a restaurant

ex. Chips are served with the hamburger.

whisk/n – the utensil used for whisking

whisk/v – beat or stir a mixture quickly (ex. eggs)

ex. Whisk the eggs

kid knife – for kids

scrambled eggs -to mix eggs with a little milk and mix again as they are being fried

pour – empty liquid (like water, egg mixture) into another container

ex. Pour the mixture into a pan.

crack  – break something open

ex. Crack the eggs into a bowl.

marshmallow – 棉花糖

Speaking exercise

He made the banana pancakes, and he made some scrambled eggs and sticky buns.

He made the banana pancakes, scrambled eggs and sticky buns. 

I think the scrambled egg and the sticky buns. I like the sticky buns.

I think scrambled eggs and then sticky buns (are easy to make). I like the sticky buns.

I can eat it for when I am watch movie.

While I am watching a movie, I can eat it. 

The pancakes is the second easy one because I make pancakes.

The pancakes are the second easiest because I make pancakes.

First, he broke 3 eggs into the bowl.

First, he crack 3 eggs into the bowl.

We will cooking them in the pan.

We will cook them in the pan.

My mother watched some videos and she bought some marshmallows.

My mother watched some videos, and she bought some marshmallows.