VIP Class Notes (Li)


Have you made any New Year’s resolutions yet? Write some down or tell me about some previous ones you’ve made.


correct <-> incorrect 

accurate <->inaccurate 

inefficient – not efficient

reunion dinner – dinner with family on CNY’s eve

discomfort – not comfortable

ex. Most patients don’t experience any discomfort for this disease.

Speaking exercise

5 Years ago, before 2016, the water system didn’t have materials to outside it.

5 Years ago, before 2016, the pipes system didn’t have extra layers covering the outside.

In 2016, SH suffered a very cold winter in that year so after that the government did some protection, just made some materials to keep the pipes warm.

In 2016, SH suffered a very cold winter in that year so after that, the government added/installed some protection to keep the pipes warm. 

When you turn the pipes again

When you turn on the taps again

The pipes will break

These methods are more and more uncorrect

These methods are more and more inaccurate 

I made some trip plans before

I made some plans for a trip beforehand 

We were used to take some trips a year

We are used to taking some trips abroad every year

But, in last year

But, in last year


valve – vaelve