VIP Class Notes (Li)


finicky – fussy about your needs or requirements

ramp up – increase the level or amount of sth

ex. ramp up coffee production

commercial production – mass produce

niche –  a very small group/thing in a larger group

developed countries – first world countries

developing countries – second/third world countries

Speaking exercise

I think the last time is yesterday afternoon.

I like the taste because my father always drink coffee when he’s resting. 

In younger age I didn’t like coffee that much.

When I was younger, I didn’t like coffee that much.

But, when I was in high school or last year of grade 9, my opinion of coffee has changed.

But, when I got to high school or during the last year of grade 9, my opinion of coffee has changed.

The growth of coffee is harder because of climate change.

Growing coffee is harder because of climate change.

People tend to drink only 30% of a cup of coffee and then they throw it away.

There are only two types of coffee that are well known by others, other types are we didn’t know that.

There are only two types of coffee that are well known to others, the rest aren’t as well known.

We should grow and publish more about some coffee that we didn’t know and control growth of coffee is more important to cut down the waste.

We should grow and educate others on lesser known species of coffee and we should try to limit the growth of coffee so there would not be too many waste. 

Harvest seeds that less affected by climate change.

Harvest seeds that are less affected by climate change.