VIP Class Notes (Li)

Today we focused on:

End of Chapter 14


subject – topic

ex. Mr Fox says it’s a painful subject to talk about his missing tail because of what happened to it.

lend a hand/paw – to help sbd

ex. Badger lended a paw so the foxes can dig very quickly.

pace – speed

ex. They finished the marathon at a record-breaking pace.

sly – clever and crafty

ex. Mr Fox grinned slyly when he saw Bunce’s warehouse.

ravenous – extremely hungry

ex. The poor badger looked at the loot ravenously.

loot – good that you have stolen

ex. The little foxes took the loot back to their home.

Speaking exercise

He said he will have though because he didn’t have food to eat

He said he would have died because he didn’t have food to eat

They can take a part and back into the tunnel and then take another and go back.

They need to make severals rounds to move these things back to the tunnel.

Bean’s cider room/cellar 

There have been hungry for lot of time

There have been hungry for too long.


bacon – bay-con