VIP Class Notes (Li)


avatar – character you can make in the game

addiction – when you can’t stop yourself from doing sth that is usually unhealthy

active – you move around a lot (ex. do sports)

ex. She is not active enough.

streamer – type of job where people play games and show everyone while they’re playing online

sidetracked – you’re suppose to do one thing but you end up doing sth else

keyboard – what you press on the computer to type

keyboard warrior – the type of people who would say mean things to people online

generation – age group

throwing things at sbd – means giving you different things to try

Speaking exercise

set your bag

put down your bag

You can play it with your friends and you can create your own things/avatar 

The 9 year old girl wants to play video games

He wants to limit the time his daughter plays videos games and suggest the girl to go outside.

She can’t stop herself from playing video games

She is addicted to video games

She is addicted to video games and doesn’t enjoy doing sports 

Whenever he wants to hang out with her, she goes sidetracked so she only wants to play video games.

I can control myself, just let me play 5 minutes

Hold on, give me 5 minutes 

You can code on Roblox so it’s educational.

You weren’t born in this generation but if you were you probably would also enjoy video games.

The first judge suggest the girl to explain why she doesn’t go outside.

fake smart

street smart