VIP Class Notes (Li)


social media platforms – TikTok, WeChat, weibo, Red

appeal to/attract consumers – to be liked by people

brand ambassador – 品牌大使

endorse/v a product – to advertise sth for money

price is transparent – see through

ex. Glass is transparent.

detox – to stay away from alcohol or unhealthy substances for some time

ex. I went on a detox week to cleanse my body.

ex. detox diet

YOLO – you only live once

transform a brand – change

temperature – the weather (degrees)

ex. What’s the temperature ?

What’s the weather today? /How’s the weather?

A: It’s sunny/raining/cloudy


herb – noun

herbal – adj

Speaking exercise

Around 25 

transform their brand

These days, telling consumers the benefits of a product is more effective than telling them the story of a brand.

She is the first woman to use lipsticks.

To bring/add/introduce colour to traditional society

They have money to have a trip

They have money to go on a trip 

Each company has their own brand culture 


pioneer – pie-yer-near