VIP Class Notes (Li)

Needs more review

pants – long shorts


whiteboard – 白板

kiwi – 奇异果

breakfast – 早餐

sausage – 香肠

pineapple – 凤梨

grapes – 葡萄

coconut – 椰子

boots – 靴子

trousers – pants

Speaking exercise

There is a clock in the second picture.

There is a bowl of apples in the first picture. There is a bowl of oranges in the second picture.

The first picture the cat next to the sister. The second picture the cat next to the dad.

In the first picture, the cat is next to the sister. In the second picture, the cat is next to the dad.

The first picture outside have tree.

There is a tree outside in the first picture. There is no tree outside in the second picture.

I’m wearing a t-shirt and shorts.

Her jeans are on the floor.

Alice and Lucy are wearing the same clothes.