VIP Class Notes (Li)


work dinner

outsourced – for some work to be done by people from outside the company

ex.  The company outsources some of its jobs to less developed countries.

contract worker – someone who is employed to work on a short-term contract

approve – to give permission

prayer – works spoken to God to give thanks or ask for sth

publishing company – companies that distributes information to the public (ex. newspaper, books)

ex. Now my teacher is working in a publishing company.

dissertation – a long piece of essay about a subject in detail


Germany (country) – German (language)

Speaking exercise

I read book about medieval history.

I read a book about medieval history.

My 3 bosses are very kind.

My 3 bosses treat me well.

It’s just not sign the contract with the third-part company.

We don’t need to sign the contract with a third-party company anymore.

3 day travel

for 3 days 

They didn’t approve my leave 

On my birthday, I can go with my friends.

I can go with my friends on my birthday.

They speak little English

They only speak a bit of/some English