VIP Class Notes (Li)


buzz (sound) – the sound that insects/buzzers make; zzzz

caramel – jiao tang

2/3/4-player game or multiplayer game – for many people

sit-up – an exercise where you lie down and try to sit up



circular/round – adj

ex. It has a circular body.

Speaking exercise

I went to bed at half past nine and when I got up, it’s half past eight.

I went to Shaanxi and there’s lots of bugs in it. There’s a spider as big as an apple.

I went to Shaanxi and there’s lots of bugs over there. There’s a spider as big as an apple.

At first, I don’t want to go there. And, my mum says, “Oh William, you can do it!”

At first, I didn’t want to go there. But, my mum said, “Oh William, you can do it!”

Its head is circle.

Its head is circular/It has a circular head.

I swimming in my school.

I swam in school.

This is I want to be very strong and I can make the wall broken.

This means I want to become very strong and I can break/knock down walls.

I want to lose my weight. I want to sleep more time.

I want to lose my weight. I want to sleep longer/spend more time sleeping.