VIP Class Notes (Li)


Write down some questions that you usually ask children.


formal – 正式

ex. This question is more formal.

casual – 日常用法;口语化

ex. This method is more casual.


Would you like… – more formal

Do you want… –  casual

S-V-O – sentences 

ex. I want to go to the park.

V-S  – for questions 

ex. Do you want to go to the park?

ex. Can I go to the bathroom?

ex. Are you happy?

ex. Am I tall?

am/are/can/do/would/should/could – yes/no questions

ex. Are you kidding me!?

ex. Can I help you?

ex. Would you marry me?

ex.Do you want to go home?

ex.Can you sing a song with me?

what/when/why/where/which/how + are/can/do/would/should/could – open questions

ex. Why are you happy?

ex. Why do you like milk/cats/cars/rabbits?

ex. When can you come to the party?

ex. When did you get up?/What time did you get up?

ex. Where do you want to go?/Where would you like to go?

ex. What colour do you like?

ex. How did you hurt your finger? ‘

Would you like…? 

Would you like dinosaurs or cars (for Christmas)?/What do you want for Christmas, dinosaurs or cars? – 你想要…?

Do you like swimming or dancing? – 你喜欢…?

Speaking exercise

Writing exercise

what name would your cat want to give him.
what do you want play another game,the next class.
what animal will you see when you go to the zoo tomorrow?

What would you like to name your cat?

What do you want to play next class?

which on would you want christmas presents,dinosaur or cars.

Which one do you want for Christmas, dinosaurs or cars? 

where are you in the new year?SH or Anhui.
where are you in.SH or sichuan,during the spring festival.

Where will you go for the New Years, SH or Anhui?

Where will you go for the Spring Festival, SH or Sichuan?

How to get to the shandong by plane or trian.

How do you go/get to Shandong, by plane or train?/How do you go/get to Shandong?  

Who will learn to dance with you tomorrow?

Who are you going to Takashimaya with tomorrow?

Who is going to Takashimaya with you tomorrow? 

Why don’t you go to the park tomorrow?