VIP Class Notes (Li)


Write a letter to Santa telling him why you’re a good boy and that you should get a gift.

Today we focused on:

Christmas crossword


pray – bai bai

ex. Some families will pray before dinner.

stocking – a large Christmas sock

Santa Claus/Father Christmas

decorate/v – make sth look better by adding things to it

ex. How would you decorate a Christmas tree?

decoration – the things that you put to make sth look better

chimney – a long pipe that lets smoke leave a house

candy cane – a type of Christmas sweet

peek – take a quick look at sth

beard – hair on your face and chin

Speaking exercise

Have a sock on the bed.

Hangstocking on the bed.

If I come here once a year and if I have a long time don’t see you or other teacher, so I can give you or someone a gift.

If I come here once a year and if I have not seen you or another teacher for a long time, then will give you a gift.

You meet that friends friendly.

You are close/good friends with someone.