VIP Class Notes (Li)


due date – the date on which a woman baby is expected to be born

she’s about to deliver/to give birth 

water quality


in charge of sth/sbd

size + no/s/m/l

Speaking exercise

He mentions after his wife giving birth, he wants to start another company.

He mentioned that after his wife gives birth, he wants to start/set-up another company.

If you can work as a freelancer that means you’re good enough for the work that you do.

If you can work as a freelancer that means your work is good enough 

It’s very tired for every position.

It’s very tiring for every position.

I’m planning go for diving in Sanya.

I’m planning to go diving in Sanya.

But, if you want to dive, the water need to clean.

But, for diving,  the water needs to be clean/the water quality needs to be up to standard/meet the standard.

Our requirement is you need to wear 33 size shoes and you need to dance well and you need to look swag.

We require you to wear size 33 shoes,  you also need to dance well, and you need to look swag.