VIP Class Notes (Li)


Tell me why playing games may be good/bad for kids. 

Remember to use the new grammar you learnt today.

Today we focused on:

How to write better


ex. What are some good/bad habits? Why? 

1 paragraph – 2 good habits and why they’re good

1 paragraph – 2 bad habits and why they’re bad


, – comma

. – full stop

gain weight – to get fat/to increase your weight

playing games help you relax 


*don’t start a sentence with “because”

and/so/or/because – conjunctions

*conjunctions are used to join two similar sentences/words together

ex. Stealing is a bad habit. It is bad because you will get in trouble.

-> Stealing is a bad habit because you will get in trouble.

conjunctions used to cause (why something happens)/effect (what happens because of the cause) – because/so

used to join two similar ideas – and

used to give options – or 

used to show order – first/second/third/next/then/after that

ex. I think cleaning my room and waking up early are good habits.

ex. Do you want coffee or tea?

ex. He woke up early so he went to clean his bag.

ex. First, he took a shower, then he ate breakfast.

Writing exercise

I think watch TV a long time is a bad habit because the TV is funny and you don’t want to do all the things, you just want to watch.

I think watching TV for a long time is a bad habit because (one) it can be very fun, and (two) you forget to do other things.

I think drinking plenty of water, and eating a lot of vegetables are good habits because they’re good for your body.

AJ doesn’t want to go to school because he doesn’t like studying, so he tries to not wake up when the alarm rings.

I like tea and coffee.

He did his homework, and went to bed after.

Mr Klutz ate a hamburger and went to AJ’s classroom ->order is not clear

Mr Klutz ate a hamburger, and went to AJ’s classroom -> hamburger first, AJ’s classroom second

Roy was drinking water and playing with a toy – > at the same time

After Roy drank water, he played with a toy -> order is clear

I think doing exercise can help your body healthy, and in winter, you don’t feel too cold.

I think doing exercise can keep your body healthy/keep your body in good shape, and in winter, you don’t feel too cold.

I think sleeping early can keep your body healthy and you can grow up quickly. And/Also, if you don’t sleep early, you can’t grow taller.

*one point, one sentence