VIP Class Notes (Li)


Find out what “conquer” means


look something up on the dictionary – find out what a word means

nightmare – bad dream

get an injection – to get a jab at the hospital

creative/adj – to be imaginative or have original ideas

ex. Mr Bean is known for his creative ideas.

plan – to organise your time/come up with a schedule

ex. Her plan for this holiday is to visit her aunt.

invention – something that somebody created

ex. The computer is one of the best inventions from the last century.

national anthem – national song

ATM/cash machine 


lose – > lost (past tense)

non-living things – use ‘It”

Speaking exercise

When Zeus is small, he is not the same with the other children. He can do all the things.

When Zeus was small/little, he was not the same as the other children. He can do many things.

Later, when was older, he became strong and tall. He became the king of the world.

Mr Bean want to make a card of the bank but the card can’t come out so he checks the makes card one.

Mr Bean wants to make a bank card but the card got stuck so he checks the cash machine/ATM.

Sometimes I can use another way to thinks about study.

Sometimes I can find another way to study/of doing my homework. 

He can think with you.

The robot/It can think for you.