VIP Class Notes (Kyle) (S)
a loaf of bread ——> slices of bread
Do know how to make French toast? Have you made any for your daughter?
She told me that the Chef and school is like gossip. She said the Chef who came from the missions restaurant that Chef used to A Star Michelin restaurant. We enjoy some to party at a school, the school provide a dinner for the parents and the new students.
How many times have you gone to visit your daughter and eaten the school?
We had a lunch at the school and we were sitting in the “dining hall” or “cafeteria,” and the food is was very good. This was just a regular day during the summer, it was a la carte. On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the best possible… it was close to a 9. The school food quality was really good except the Chinese dishes. Perhaps because, they don’t have a Chinese chef in the kitchen so it’s not authentic. The school will also make accommodations for the student population depending on their religious beliefs or health choices.
dining hall= a place where people eat, (usually its big)
example. In my family we usually have breakfast in the dinner hall. (as if we are Royalty)
cafeteria = this is where people have lunch, breakfast, dinner/supper together, a cafeteria usually has too many options/choices of foods you can eat
example. Everyday she spends breakfast time*talking gossip* with her friend in the cafeteria….<-talking gossip you know...
——> GRAMMAR NOTE: Use the middle of sentences to make emphasis on the desired TOPIC of conversation….. Make it complete and possible to discuss more advanced topics. <——
regular= opposite = irregular. , normal, common, standard, complete, everyday.
example. Regularly, when my daughter comes back (from school)_she_ prefers to eat Chinese dishes at home.—> (non-specific)
a la carte(adjective) = you get to choose, have a selection of food items
example. The a la carte style is available at our international to provide students the option of different dishes from different parts of the world at different times.
authentic (adjective)= of undisputed origin, of traditional origin,
example. When the student turned in the homework, the teacher immediately recognized that it wasn’t authentic work.
make accommodations= make a special service to, provide additional options or services for someone, important for creating a sense of “hospitality culture” in an environment
example. Can the Chinese people make accommodations for foreigners when they visit the China? Are they willing to provide additional services for and adapt to the different needs of the different people who are visiting China/Shanghai? ….
synonym= 同义词 tong yi ci
Royalty= like a Royal family member, of nobility, high principles , noble
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